Holy smokes we are in the homestretch people! Our little man is going to be here before we know it. And I have to say, I am more than ready to meet him. Here’s what’s been going on with my pregnancy the last couple of months.
How many weeks along? 35 weeks
Size of the baby this week: Canary melon (19-22 inches, 5.5 pounds)
What’s going on with Baby Spach this week? Our little guy is continuing to pack on the pounds this week, getting closer to his final birth weight. His brain is busy continuing to develop and grow brain cells and his little bowel is building up meconium (that awesome sticky, tar-like first poop).
Weight gain: I’m up 19 pounds total. Carrying LOW and my belly is way more pointy this pregnancy than it ever was with the girls. Must be a boy thing 🙂
Overall feeling: I have to be honest, this pregnancy is kicking my rear. It’s been nothing like my last two pregnancies and it’s thrown me for a loop! Between varicose veins (ugh) and my morning sickness coming back, the last couple of months has been rough. I think the rest of my pregnancy symptoms are pretty standard; achy, sore, back pain, and feeling overall large, especially in my face. My back pain has significantly improved due to weekly chiropractic care and baths in the evenings. Unicom continues to be my bestie and helps me sleep at night and decreases my restless legs. Another thing is that I’ve been craving water like crazy these last couple of weeks! I can’t seem to get enough of it.
Any labor symptoms? I’ve had some contractions here and there and have definitely felt this little guy drop into my pelvis already. Doctor says he is LOW.
Do you have a labor plan in place? Honestly, it’s all kind of up in the air right now. At my last ultrasound, my placenta still hadn’t moved off of my cervix, so if it hasn’t moved by February 6th at my next ultrasound appointment, then we will schedule a c-section. The idea of this doesn’t scare me like it initially did, but I have a history of incredibly smooth, fast labors, so there is some sadness there. I also have had excellent recoveries with vaginal deliveries, so the thought of a c-section is new and unknown to me. Luckily my sister-in-law and one of my closest friends have had multiple c-sections and have been so encouraging and helpful in giving me information about what to expect if I do have one.
How is the nursery coming along? The nursery is done! I went with a simple color scheme of navy blue, evergreen, and tans. Very eclectic and manly looking. I can’t wait to show you pictures after her comes!
Are the big sisters excited? Nora can’t wait to meet her baby brother! She is just going to be the best big sister. She has had so much fun the past few weeks really being able to see and feel the baby move and thinks it’s hilarious when he has the hiccups. Andi has no clue what’s about to hit her 😉 She knows there is a baby in my tummy and loves to say his name and go into his room and show me where he is going to sleep. She may be in for a rude awakening once he gets here, though.
Excited for anything this week? We start back up Bible study with our friends this Thursday and then I have a doctor’s appointment on Friday. So basically friends and hearing the baby’s heart beat are what I’m excited for this week, haha. We are getting some last minute projects done around the house this week, too; my mother-in-law is coming over to help me paint some interior doors and I’m going room to room to do touch up paint work. I know we won’t have time to get these things done once the little guy comes, so we had better get it done now! We are also having the electrician and plumber come this week to do finishing touches on our basement before the drywallers come. Eric has been working SO hard on framing, installing lighting, and working on the h-vac system in the basement, I’m so proud of him!
Here’s to another week of growing Baby Spach!