How Many Weeks Along? 37 weeks. Wowza!!
Size Of Baby: A watermelon. I will not argue that comparison.
Gender: Another sweet girl. Dying to see what she looks like!
Weight Gain: After losing 4 pounds this week, freaking out about it, eating and chugging water like a fool, I am now up 3 pounds this week, up 21 pounds total. Yes that’s right, my weight fluctuated 7 pounds this week. So crazy!
Movement: Still decreased, it’s tight in there!
Maternity Clothes: All the time. Feeling pretty large these days, like nothing fits right anymore.
Symptoms: Two words: back pain. It seems to control my life these days and I’m so ready to be done with it. My chiropractor has been very helpful, but I’m just kind of over it at this point. Had a bout of 2 hours of contractions every 4-5 minutes on Tuesday night and thought I wasn’t be in early labor, but after taking a shower they stopped 🙁 silly baby! My doctor checked me yesterday and I’m an easy 2cm, 50% effaced and she is head down and engaged. Let’s go baby girl!
Sleep: Still uncomfortable, but Unisom continues to be a lifesaver.
Cravings: Nothing in particular, but chocolate always sounds good. 🙂
Best Moment of the Week: This week was extremely busy with so many things going on, but yesterday sticks out in my mind. It was raining, so Eric brought Nora into my in-laws and we took the truck out to the house and sat in the dining room of our house so that we could listen to the rain on our new roof for the first time. It was so awesome!
Looking Forward To: By this time next week, I will have a TWO year old. Insert sobbing and double-chin-ugly-cry here. Nora’s birthday party is next Saturday and I’m so excited to have a special day just for her!!
Alisha says
You look great sweet girl! I can't believe it is almost the end of your pregnancy already… where has the time gone?!