I It’s amazing what happens the week of Valentine’s Day. Whether you are single, dating or married we women somehow seem to come up with expectations of what this day should look like. And if we are being really honest, we usually have unrealistic expectations of what our love lives should look like and how we should be loved. And those poor men we claim as “ours,” they don’t really stand a chance, do they? Because when the overwhelming aroma of roses and the taste of endless dark chocolate fades, we’re still searching for something more.
You see what we were designed for as women was to feel a deep sense of love and an urge to feel desirable; to be fiercely pursued and wanted. We were made for passion and to be romanced in ways that fit our souls perfectly. And we are worth it enough to have someone shout from the mountains how much they love us. But our guys, they aren’t perfect at doing this. Not should we expect them to be.
I’m not sure where you find yourself this Valentine’s Day, but I can tell you this. No matter what your man does for you; even if he rents you a limo full of Chipotle’ and Coke and drives you around the city in a tutu (my dream, not yours), he’s never going to give you everything that you need. Because he’s not perfect.
But I know someone Who is.
And it’s my Jesus.
Are you looking for someone who will unashamedly proclaim his deep love for you even when you’re at your worst?
Are you searching for someone who will pursue you perfectly, day in and day out, giving you what your soul thirsts for?
Are you wanting an intimate relationship that will never turn it’s back on you?
Are you in need of someone who won’t lie, leave you, cheat on you, rob you of your joy or be embarrassed of who you are?
Are you looking for a human? A man? What about someone more….divine?
Because God, the creator of all things, stands over the universe with His arms stretched open and and proudly proclaims, “This is my beloved whom I have chosen! I am her’s and she is mine! Nothing can ever separate my soul from her. My love for her is perfect!”
Can your man honestly say that to you?
I didn’t think so.
Friend, even if your Valentine’s Day is romantic, if your marriage seems really great, if your boyfriend is the perfect match for you or if you find yourself lonely or feeling unwanted this side of heaven…. You’re missing out on the most perfect love to ever exist. And He WANTS to be with you more than anything. A relationship with Him takes work and time, but I promise you He is worth it.
So this Valentines’s Day… Accept your flowers, go on a date, eat your chocolate, have great (married) sex, pray for your future spouse and enjoy a special day focused on love… But remember that Jesus… He’s the best not-so-secret admirer there is; and He’s not ashamed to claim you as all His. And His love will change you into the woman you truly desire to be.