Our sweet little sassy pants Nora turned 2 on September 13th. Yeah, I know I’m terrible that I’m just NOW getting around to blogging about it, but I kind of had a few other things going on that week. Ya know, like having another baby 🙂
We started out the day with popsicles for breakfast (I asked her what she wanted and that’s what she said, so popsicles it was), cuddled with Hammie and Pop Pop while watching cartoons then loaded up to go to the Lincoln Zoo for a ride on the “Toot! Toot!” and lunch at her favorite place, Taco Bell. We had a wonderful morning and afternoon!
We did a laid back and simple birthday party for her this year. Nora has a pretty significant obsession with horses (“neigh, neighs,” as she likes to call them) and Sheriff Cali’s Wild West, so I decided to go with a cowgirl birthday theme. Like I said, we kept it pretty simple: hot dogs and s’mores around the fire, a hayrack ride, yard games. But the one thing that we DID do that was a pretty big deal for our birthday girl were pony rides 🙂 My BFF Kati was sweet enough to bring Nora’s favorite horse, Jack, and give rides around the yard to all the little guests. Even a few of the adults hitched a ride. It was such a pretty night, up until about 7pm when the mosquitoes decided to come out and devour us. No matter, we all had a great time. Here are a few shots from Nora’s big night.

How is sweet little Nora two already?! Where has the time gone? It sounds like she had the perfect birthday!